Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Bi Monthly Meeting

Back in the good old days the AMAL used to have monthly meetings, with plenty of match bookings and the associated workload for the secretary and treasurer, it was pretty busy at those meetings. Nowadays with the drop in matches being fished on our waters, the fact that the committee consists of three main people, and the amount of business that needs attending to , the committee put it to the member clubs that the monthly meeting should be exiled and replaced with a bi monthly, thankfully they agreed. So the next meeting is 17th September at the Brookside Club in Syston. The meeting is strictly a delegate meeting, that being individual members are not invited and each member club provides a delegate to voice the member clubs opinions/concerns. The chairman of the AMAL Shaun Myles runs the meeting with me filling the dual role of secretary and match booking secretary, and Bob Fossey who is our treasurer also doubles as his clubs ( Jelson AC ) delegate. I produce minutes for the previous meeting and furiously jot down the minutes for the present meeting as it happens.
Our bailiffs to whom the AMAL owe a great deal also attend and give concise reports ( Sometimes ) of their last couple of months duties. Luckily for me, one of our bailiffs Alan Snow also doubles as my assistant and he actively contacts local newspapers with match results usually from Fishpool, and we all feels its this increase in publicity that is responsible for increased footfall at Fishpool and so increased revenue, which is most welcome as club funds are constantly under pressure and the saying "keeping the wolf from the door" is extremely pertinent.

Some members clubs have booked some matches with the AMAL and I'll endeavour to post these so season ticket holders can see where they should avoid and when.
Water Booked                                   Date of Booking                         Club Booking Waters
Fishpool                                                          21/09/2013                           AMAL
Fishpool                                                          29/09/2013                           Jelson AC
Fishpool                                                          26/10/2013                            AMAL
R Soar Mounsorrel 1860+waterside               27/10/2013                           Jones and Shipman
Fishpool                                                          17/11/2013                           Jelson AC
Barrow Canal                                                  24/11/2013                           Jones and Shipman

So if there is  a match you'd like to book please contact me and I'll gladly book you in and highlight your booking so as to avoid any pleasure anglers being on the waters before you start your match. I'll post any points of interest from our meeting too, so as many people as possible can get involved with our club. Tight lines guys and gals

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